Friday, February 2, 2007


The recurring Terror:

When I was seven I dreamed that wolves were after me. It happened almost every night in the same monotonous but excrutiating manner. I would be laying in my bed, paralyzed, but with my eyes open. I saw their eyes--luminescent and shining up from the heater vent-shaft at the other end of my room. As they crept out of the heater, their bodies grew in stature and fearsome-ness. They were coming...
The lead wolf made a ritual of this macabre, nightly feasting. He lead the way and the others crept right behind him--just soft enough so my parents could not hear...just loud enough to echo my heartbeat. The three climbed my second story bunk bed. The lead wolf opened his mouth wide. I was being swallowed, cranium first. Then I woke up.

Recent Dreams:

I was at a medieval style carnival. Two gals I know, K and K were at the giant table--almost an Arthurian table--playing cards. I watched them play the game without interacting with anybody. It was the most profound sense of being out of place, being an other. I was watching from the same room, but in actuality I was behind a one way glass--no one noticing my presence. Suddenly, some figure peeked over my shoulder and whispered: "You can't make paper mache out of cards."

No psychoanal needed: So, I was checking out Walmart. Sadly, I did not receive any digits. Yes, my reader, you may doubt my choice of location and my sanity in this matter--In reality, I have not seen many beautiful women at Walmart. However, this Walmart was in Mexico; hola senoritas! Incidentally, my roommate just received a job at the big W. Since the dream I have not been back.

Home Sweet Home: Upon returning home my parents praised me for my mastery of Latin. This is funny since I don't know my Ecco Homo's and quid pro quo's from my Veni, Vedi, Veci...exactly. After being falsely lauded, I went into the kitchen. My mom showed me an enormous, mis-shaped turnip. It had two giant eye-like holes missing from its center; it appeared like a figure eight. The entire room was overgrown with vegetables. I did not know how to respond.

Burning Philosophy: I was on an island for the annual Muses of Delphi and Erudititionary-Close Reading conference of 1942. Actually, that is not true...I made it up, and I could have been there for any obscure reason. It was 1940's era; I could tell that by the clothes of the people there. Many of my 121 students were attendees. In any case I wound up in a debate. "Herzig" was the philosopher on the dock. His philosophy was a Descartes-ian reversal. He believed that knowledge started with the cosmos and worked downwards and inwards to the cogito. I understood that much from this debate, on which I was a panelist. My opponent claimed that "Herzig" was a sort of fraud--that he had a false method of some kind. There was a time lapse in my dream and it broke through to another Act; perhaps Act IV iii...........I was at the top of a steep hill in an old jeep. It broke loose and I could not steer it. Somehow I was able to bail out. My friend Ryan was below and as the vehicle swooped back and forth along the dirt trail, it narrowly missed him. The Jeep flew off the cliff. It hit the wall and burst into a symphony of flames. It scared both of us and then I woke up. I hope this is not a prophecy of my academic career.

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